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WEBINAR - 5 tips to integrate 3270 apps in API-based world


Groupe MVS


SYSPERTEC organise un webinar le 7 novembre à 11h, sur le thème de :

L’intégration des applications 3270 avec les plateformes web au moyen d’API, sans avoir à les modifier ou les redévelopper.

Quelles sont les 5 questions principales qu’il faut se poser pour faire le choix le plus pragmatique ?

Toutes les détails pour s'inscrire à cet évènement ci-dessous:


5 tips to integrate 3270 apps in an API-based world

November 7th 2019

11h00 CET
(Paris, Berlin, Roma, Madrid...)

???? You rely on the mainframe for a large part of your business activity ????? You are under pressure to interconnect your 3270 applications with web platforms ????? Everyone is asking why your mainframe doesn’t provide API to the world ?
Listen to our webinar in order to understand how it is possible to open your 3270 apps quickly to an API-based architecture, without having to change or redevelop them.
We will give you 5 questions you should ask yourself to make it happen:
  • What type of mainframe applications are API-able ?
  • What level of complexity can be addressed ?
  • Who will be involved in the development of APIs ?
  • What platform should host the APIs ?
  • What tools/languages should be utilized ?

You are not available on Nov 7th at 11h00 ? No problem : register and get the replay !


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